From our dedicated weighing division, you can purchase our range of medical, lab and industrial scales, plus our extensive range of load cells and weighing instrumentation.
We are able to supply all types of weighing equipment from basic school scales, to ultra-high accuracy laboratory scales, check-weighers, load cells and controllers. Our range of Kern and Ohaus scales means we can supply an item for every application. We are also agents for Seca medical scales.
If you require anymore information regarding our products, would like an on-site consultation or require a custom-designed and built piece of weighing equipment to suit your application, then please contact us.
GNW also provide calibration services for weighing scales.
Laboratory balances include analytical and precision balances designed for use in the most demanding applications. Our scales perform the most accurate and repeatable weighing functions reliably. Our range also includes moisture analysers.
Our bench scales include everything from simple, bench-top postal scales, to waterproof IP rated stainless steel scales.
Platform scales are a common site in most businesses. Used for weighing everything from parcels to paint to pets, a platform scales is versatile and robust.
Floor scales are available in different forms to suit different applications – flat platforms, pallet, weighing beams and drive through.
High accuracy counting scales. Greatly reduce stock taking and counting time.
High quality, EC type approved price computing scales for trade use. All models allow for you to legally calculate prices of goods before sale.
Test weights can be used for daily checks and verification of your scales and balances. Our test weights are available in brass, stainless steel and cast steel.